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About Andrew:
Andrew Hewitt is a passionate and experienced web developer specializing in helping businesses streamline their website and web app development processes. In this episode we talked about his journey in WordPress and how he focuses his agency’s attention on building and sustaintability for their clients.
Quel est votre titre d'emploi ? | Founder & CEO |
Quel est le nom de votre entreprise ? | YohDev |
Que faites-vous avec WordPress ? | My company manages, creates, and enhances wordpress sites |
Décrivez la communauté WordPress en quelques mots. | Collaborative, and supportive, with a strong emphasis on open-source contribution, resource sharing, and accessibility. I love WordPress for those reason. It is exciting to see how far the community has come. |
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Transcription de l'épisode
[00:00:00] Speaker A: Welcome to WPCoffeeTalk with your podcast Barista, Michelle Frechette, where we interview people in the WordPress community from all over the world. Every guest is asked the same questions and every guest has wonderful and varied answers about their history and their hopes. Special thanks to our espresso level sponsors, Bluehost, WS form and Beaver builder.
[00:00:23] Speaker B: And now on with the show.
Welcome to WPCoffeeTalk. I’m Michelle Frechette, your podcast Barista, serving up the WordPress stories from around the world. And today my guest is Andrew Hewitt, who is the founder and CEO. And I’m going to. I didn’t ask you how to pronounce it, but I’m going to guess it’s Yodev.
[00:00:45] Speaker C: Oh, you guessed right all right.
[00:00:47] Speaker B: I mean, it’s kind of hard to mess it up, but still, I should have asked in advance. How are you today, Andrea? It’s good to have you here.
[00:00:53] Speaker C: I’m doing awesome. How are you, Michelle?
[00:00:55] Speaker B: I’m good, thank you. And you? We were both just saying beforehand, these, these shows are evergreen. People will listen to them for years to come. I wish.
But even so, it’s dark out. It’s 05:00 and it’s dark out because we are both on the east coast of the United States and it’s 05:00 and it’s December almost. And yeah, so there you go. So it’s one of those things. No more sunlight. Anyway, tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do.
[00:01:20] Speaker C: So I’m the founder and CEO of Yodev.
We have a long story that I’m not going to get into right now, but we found our niche helping small to mid sized businesses with their web properties, specifically websites, lots of WordPress websites and then into software consulting and web applications. We really focus in on helping to develop solid sops, DevOps processes to really mitigate disasters that could happen while you’re pushing big releases, while also having an agile dev team that partners and integrates right into the company’s marketing department.
[00:02:03] Speaker B: Oh, very cool.
And we’re going to talk a little bit more about your business after we get through some questions before we get to the rapid fires. But first and foremost, show us your mug. Look at that. Right on cue. If you’re just happen to raise his mug to take a drink, as I said that, show us your mug. Tell us if there’s a story behind it. And what are you drinking?
[00:02:21] Speaker C: So no story behind this? I guess you could say that my wife and I have gone on a journey of minimalism and one of the things that we wanted to minimize is our dishes and our mugs and everything. So we each only have a set for ourselves. Now, we have a daughter recently, and we have sets of stuff for her. But this is a clean, minimal mug. It’s easy. And within the mug right now is orange spiced black tea from a local tea shop here in Winston sale, North Carolina. Angelina’s tea. It’s delicious. And yeah, it’s just no thought behind it at all. Just simple, clean mug. And that’s. That’s how we do it.
[00:03:01] Speaker B: So I will tell you that if you don’t want a mug collection, don’t start a podcast with the word coffee in it because I get gifted mugs all the time. And I’m not complaining, but I have a very large collection of mugs and I will show you mine today. So mine is, oops.
You’d think after years of pandemic I would learn how the camera works. Anyway, mine is similar to the love, I think that’s what, Philadelphia, that has that in it.
[00:03:25] Speaker C: That’s Philly. Yeah.
[00:03:27] Speaker B: And the O is the logo for Rochester, New York. And this was a gift to me a few years back from one of my co workers, Amanda Gorman, who works at Gift WP. So that’s my mug today, and I’m drinking cucumber water from Wegmans.
[00:03:41] Speaker C: Awesome. That’s great. And I like the Philly inspiration. I’m originally from South Jersey, so Philly’s right across the bridge there.
[00:03:50] Speaker B: Right over there.
Do you ever run the rocky steps in Philadelphia?
[00:03:55] Speaker C: I have.
They are taller than it looks. And I mean, it looks big in the movie, but it really is. It’s very tall. It’s something you have to do if you’re there. It’s a very fun time.
[00:04:06] Speaker B: I drove by. That’s about the extent of what I plan to do.
Anyway. Tell us about how you get started in WordPress.
[00:04:13] Speaker C: So I got started in WordPress, sort of, I guess you could say it was like kind of a survival mechanism, to be honest. Like I. So I started, I was working in sales for a fast growing startup, cement company, doing very well. I hit a roadblock. And during that time, I was very passionate about the company. And I was learning, like, hey, their website sucks. And like, there’s, like, there’s all these things that we could be doing. So I was teaching myself WordPress, digital marketing, all this stuff with the hopes of, like, moving up in that company. And I got roadblocked.
I had an opportunity to partner with a contractor that was one of my biggest customers at the time. And he wanted me not only for my cement knowledge, but also because I had this digital marketing and like self taught attitude. Long story short, he wasn’t as good as I thought and he couldn’t pay me and I really needed to make some, some cash. But over the course of, like, it was really over a course of year of self training and teachings and self projects and boot camps and everything that I just, one day when I quit that business partner and I said, you know, I can’t, I can’t just keep working and what’s not closing jobs and getting paid. I saw a little knife sharpener out in a local strip mall and I walked up to him and I was like, hey, how you doing? And, um, I asked him, hey, do you have a website? I’d love to check it out. And he said, no, I don’t have a website. And I was like, oh, well, do you want one? And he’s like, yeah, I’m actually, I need one. And I’m, and he’s like, I was like, I can do it for you. And he said, well, how much? And I was like, $700 and deal, handshake, deal right there stood up our first website. It was just me. And then through the course of just figuring out how things go, it led me to WordPress because of the ability to give your clients the ability to update content and then just the open source factor of it so you’re not tied down to a third party and the scalability factor behind that as well. And just years of years of grinding. Seven years later, now I own this web development company and software consulting company. We have 14 plus team members and 63 plus clients and majority of them are WordPress. But that’s how I got into it. It was really just like a I need to make some money to pay the bills sort of thing because I quit my, my full time safety net job to partner with somebody. That business failed and then I had to start making some money and that’s, and I just hit the ground running right there.
[00:06:42] Speaker B: That’s awesome. I love stories that are just like, hey, I found a thing. I found out I was pretty good at it and I actually kind of love it. So that’s my career now and I love that. That’s kind of how it works for me too.
[00:06:54] Speaker C: Exactly how it happened.
[00:06:55] Speaker B: Yeah, very cool. Well, when you look at websites across the web, what are some things that you think that we as developers, designers, web builders don’t focus enough attention on that would make those sites better for the end user.
[00:07:09] Speaker C: So one of the things that I see all the time is a client recently undergoes a website redesign by, you know, maybe a, a smaller agency or an independent designer who’s a design focused individual and they overlook the SEO factor.
And what happens is they roll out this awesome, beautiful website that doesn’t match the existing sitemap that Google’s indexing. They don’t think about things like technical SEO, page speed optimization, core web vitals, and they’re loading it up with awesome, beautiful images and elements. Then before you know it, if it was a well known company that has great authority online and it has lots of organic traffic, just by pushing out that new website, it tanks. And I see that time and time again when clients come to us because when they’re ready, we need someone who’s a little more tech focused, a little more DevOps and processy focused. They usually have some kind of private acquisition offer on the table and they’re looking to like up their software and then we uncover these things. I can see it when I run this report. So I’m like, you had a big drop in traffic right here at this time of the year. Did you happen to have a website redesign at this time? And almost nine times out of ten they’re like, yeah, that’s about when we rolled out the new website. And well, you were doing like 4000 organic traffic before that. Now you’re only doing like 800. That’s such a big drop typically because of that stuff. So I would say that if you’re designing websites and you’re a design focused person or agency, make sure that before you even get into that sitemap phase that you just analyze how the site’s doing right now.
That’s the big thing. And retain that traffic at all costs. If they have a lot of traffic, retain it and it makes your job easier because hey, just reface the map that they have currently and it’s a lot easier.
[00:09:12] Speaker B: Makes a lot of sense. Absolutely. Well, as you look back over your WordPress journey, is there something that you wish you had known earlier that would have made life a whole lot easier had you started using it or learning it or whatever?
[00:09:27] Speaker C: Sooner in your path I would say Ci CD tools. So continuous integration, continuous deployment tools. When I was first starting out and I was a one man shop, I used to do it really bad, just straight up do the site, write on production, ssh in, sftp in and just copy the files up there.
But as I progressed and I matured into this role and more and more of a professional in the industry. I started to adopt DevOps best practices and found that just pushing your site, your code changes to GitHub and opening a pull request and then checking everything, making sure it’s good and then merging it and deploying it to a staging environment for the client to test. And then if it’s approved you just push a button and it goes live way less. Not stress. I don’t have to be up at 03:00 a.m. If something got broken and then I’m like oh crap, I don’t know how to, I forget how to do Linux commands and stuff. How to like get up into my Google cloud server. That was just something that like, yeah, I wish if I knew that ahead of time I would, I would have started from a DevOps kind of processes sort of base instead of just brute forcing in and just like going for it. But it was a good learning experience.
[00:10:54] Speaker B: That’s pretty cool. Now I know you and I talk usually my next question is an experience at a WordPress event and I know that you are looking forward to WordPress events and haven’t been to one yet, so that’s not a really good question for you. So I’m trying to think of like rephrasing it a little bit. But what’s something in the WordPress community that has really made a difference to you? I’m different from like who do you admire and whatever that’s coming up in the second half, but like just something in the WordPress community. Maybe it’s an event you saw or somebody you’ve talked to online or anything like that, that you would say was either inspirational moment or pivotal moment for you.
[00:11:31] Speaker C: Good question.
I would say like pivotal moment for me was I was like, I heard this term headless, like headless CMS and then I stumbled upon, I forget it was a series of content of the founder of WP GraphQl. It’s a plugin that extends WordPress and allows the block editor to be accessed via GraphQl API so that you could actually use your WordPress cms as a headless cms more effectively to build static sites using like React J’s or Gatsby J’s or frameworks like that. Like more lightning fast agile frameworks for scalability. And that really changed the game for me. And when I stumbled upon that it was very inspiring and I leaned into it hard and me and my team, we did tons of research and proof of concepts and now we are actually working on headless applications that utilize WordPress, Shopify, and other platforms as well. But WordPress in particular because of that one discovery that was just like on one of those days where you’re just absorbing content and you just come across things. And then headless cms, headless WordPress started popping up and I was like, oh, what’s this? And that just sparked it. And then I found that the folks over at WP Graphql, it’s a plugin. And it was just awesome. And like, that like really opened up my mind. And then it allowed me to see that there’s other things out there. Like, you’re not just tied to using WordPress as a full solution. You can use WordPress as a, you could literally lock WordPress down behind an internal server and then have a static site that’s built using a web application infrastructure that pulls data from WordPress in a secure environment. And that was just mind blowing to me that you could do something like that. So that was awesome. And we’re doing that today, which is pretty cool.
[00:13:31] Speaker B: That is cool. Is it bad that I just really wish that headless had started in Sleepy Hollow, New York? Like, that would have been like the perfection, right?
[00:13:40] Speaker C: Like, yeah, that would have been perfect. That would have too great. That would have been awesome.
[00:13:44] Speaker B: It always makes me think about ichabod Crane and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. But anyway, so tell us a little bit about, a little bit more about Yodev and your team and what you guys are doing there.
[00:13:55] Speaker C: Awesome. Well, yeah, Yodev is at a very exciting time right now. So we’re at the point where we really found who our target clientele is. The types of clients that we enjoy working with that are the best, that really work best for us. And I have an awesome team now in place that has replaced me in many avenues of the business.
And we’re able to deliver projects efficiently, we’re able to respond quickly because we’re all developers and engineers, basically. So even from our project managers, even to my executive assistant, like she’s taking a bootcamp right now because she’s interested in tech and development.
We’re all thinking of solutions constantly to streamline our internal processes. And I think that’s really a competitive edge that we have right now. And it’s fun because it’s like we can integrate all the work tools that we use, like Slack and, and confluence. Like we can integrate all these through APIs and our own infrastructure to help serve our clients in a more effective way. So we’re doing all that internally and we’re able to deliver a high volume of projects quickly. So that freed me up now to focus on my sales and marketing pipeline. So consistently, for the past six months, we’ve been onboarding four to five new clients that fit our target like, area, like, type of client that we want to work with. And that’s just been really exciting. And with that comes a lot of different challenges now, like, because we hit capacity limits and, like, okay, now we got to either hire more people or figure out where the bottlenecks are. So we’re really in an awesome point right now where we’re growing fairly quickly, and it’s just really exciting and fun, and we love everything that we’re doing, and we’re seeing the impact that we’re having on our clients. They’re all growing fairly quickly. Most of our clients are either under private acquisition or pursuing private acquisition. So that’s like an exciting time for us because when those investors come in, one of the big things that they check on for due diligence is how’s your software, how’s your websites, how’s your tracking of all your lead acquisitions and all that stuff is like, then the clients come to us, and then we have the capabilities to put together a sophisticated infrastructure that’s well documented, that can mitigate disaster and that can track and attribute leads all the way through your pipeline to the closed sale, to even following up and retaining your customers. So it’s, it’s really a fun time, and that’s what we’re doing. We’re basically a. An agile engineering development team for fast growth companies that have, you know, smaller marketing departments that, you know, aren’t ready to just go to a big agency to do everything. Or in some cases, they don’t prefer a big agency. They like to have specialized companies like us as a dev shop or, and a paid media partner, and then we all collaborate as a team. And those are the best environments that I found to work in, and we’re getting a lot of good results from it.
[00:17:01] Speaker B: That’s awesome. I love that. How big is your team?
[00:17:04] Speaker C: So, right now I have what I call our core team. It’s a team of six. That does include me. I’m still a CEO. I am a CEO, and I’m doing CEO level tasks, but my primary role in the company right now is client success, onboarding new clients, ensuring that they’re having a good time, and then when the project’s delivered, follow up. So that’s six of us there. But then in our extended team, we have specialized talent and contractors, all us based, that are, you know, any it’s about anywhere from, you know, you can get senior WordPress developers to react, developers to it and DevOps consultants and we have about twelve of them on our roster right now. So in total we’re at about 18. That’s awesome. Yeah.
[00:17:49] Speaker B: Six remote.
[00:17:52] Speaker C: We’re remote. The ones that are in Winston, we have a hybrid model so we work at a flywheel co working down in downtown Winston Salem. So we meet a day or two depending on how we’re feeling to just kind of get together, have lunch, work together and just kind of vibe off of each other. We usually like plan brainstorming sessions and like, you know, fun things to work on when we’re, when we get together and it’s a really good time.
[00:18:18] Speaker B: That’s awesome. I love that. Well let me move into our rapid fire questions.
[00:18:22] Speaker C: Okay.
[00:18:22] Speaker B: I love everybody’s answers to these. You don’t have to, you don’t have to speed through the answers.
I don’t know why I called them rapid fire. It just felt like the right thing to do. Okay, here we go. So what are two or three must have plugins that you would recommend to somebody building their own website?
[00:18:38] Speaker C: If you’re doing your own website, elementor, page builder and yoast SEO.
[00:18:45] Speaker B: Very good.
And at any point in your WordPress journey, your business building journey, have you had a mentor, whether it was official mentor or unofficial, maybe somebody that kind of took you under their wing or whatever. Can you tell us who it was and how that was?
[00:19:01] Speaker C: So early on in my business’s journey I decided to take side contracts to just be a developer independent and I ended up scoring a contract with a really big marketing agency in Greensboro, North Carolina by the name of Pace Communications. And there were some awesome developers there. And there’s one in particular, his name is Nathan Long.
He was just, I just aspired to be him. Like, he was just so good. He was good at WordPress but he was also good at knowing he was using gulp at the time for like to compile SCSS files and spit them out in build. I’m using webpack today. But like, like that was like really inspired me to like to see that. Oh wow. Like I can, I can like build WordPress sites to a way where we can have modular CSS split up and like maintain it. And like he was just really good and he was really good at coaching. I was struggling at one point and instead of just letting me go as a contractor, he actually sat me down and told me some tips and gave me some, some guidance and it really turned me around and then that contract extended on for over a year after that coaching session and it was a really, it was a really great time. And he, he definitely, he impacted me in my career.
[00:20:19] Speaker B: That’s awesome. It’s nice to have people that really can’t believe in you and help you succeed as well, which I think that’s pretty awesome.
[00:20:26] Speaker C: Yeah, it was awesome. Shout out, Nathan.
[00:20:29] Speaker B: Shout out to Nathan.
Who in the WordPress community do you admire and why?
[00:20:36] Speaker C: I would say so. It’s not who, but I guess who is a team there.
I’ve always looked up to the ACF team and the plugins that they always sort of pushed out, specifically ACF in general, and they got acquired by WP engine. But ACF and all the things that they push out and their documentation and the content and everything about it has always, I just looked up to that and I really enjoy the ability to extend WordPress, to have custom fields in an easier way than the native way that WordPress handles custom fields. And, you know, I don’t have a particular person that I look up to, but that them as a team, I think they do great work and WP engine thought so too, and, you know, scooped them up and I think it’s, I aspire to be, I have a dev team like that, of that caliber.
[00:21:29] Speaker B: That’s awesome. I just learned how to use ACF myself this year. It was a little more complicated than anything I needed in the past, or at least thought I needed. And I now have it on and it’s an amazing product. So yeah. Shout out for sure to the ACF team. Absolutely. And I’ve quite a few friends over at WP engine. So you know, they did the right thing. They got it. Oh yeah, definitely.
What’s something that you’d still like to learn in WordPress that you haven’t tackled yet?
[00:21:57] Speaker C: Um, I would say that the thing that I would really like to learn is I net so my company grew like I was just getting into the Gutenberg editor and then my company started growing really fast and then I had to start delegating things in order to keep, keep up with the growth. And I never truly got into building custom Gutenberg blocks. I can build block custom blocks using AcFs extensions for Gutenberg blocks, but I was never able to like set up the proper build kit for react in WordPress, build custom blocks and understand how that all works. And I think that, that, I don’t know, I just, I always look back and I’m like, man, I wish I had the time to really learn that because I think we would be a little bit further from like how we work with Gutenberg blocks if I had that knowledge and I was able to instill that into the team, into the team a little more. But that’s what I really would love to learn and fully understand is like how to build native Gutenberg blocks.
[00:23:05] Speaker B: And yet there are still some people who refuse to even use Gutenberg. So you’re ahead of the game already.
I swear there are some people that have been dragging and kicking their way until it’s like there’s no other option.
[00:23:17] Speaker C: Oh, it’s the way it is. The way it’s awesome.
[00:23:20] Speaker B: Absolutely. I love blacks myself. Not a problem. Absolutely.
What’s one of the biggest mistakes you’ve ever made in WordPress and what did you learn from it?
[00:23:30] Speaker C: I would say the biggest mistake I ever made was when I really started to start to acquire sites and have them pay me for hosting.
I had this bright idea to just put all my client sites on a multi site on a single Linux box on Google cloud that I self managed as one person. So I think that was a really bad idea because one day the database resources just filled up completely and I got an email from a client like saying hey, I have a database connection error. And I’m like, what? And I went and I saw database connection error and then I went to the next site, database connection error. So since it was a multi site and they were all sharing the same database, the database was filled up and then WordPress gets that database connection error. I just remember being up 01:00 a.m. To 05:00 a.m. Trying to figure this thing out. This was before chat, GPT was around everybody so I couldn’t just go hey, how do I fix this? So I’m reading Google Cloud documentation, Linux documentation, MySQL documentation. Finally I learned how to manually partition the disk on Google Cloud to extend the storage space. And then I rebooted the vm and everything came up. But then that next day my right hand man von Cuciano, who’s still working with us today, I was like, we got to figure something out. And then right on that day we figured out how to isolate all those sites off of a multi site, have single sites, and then we dockerized everything into containers and then that was our really first step into getting into like DevOps and containerization and things like that and, and we haven’t turned back from then, but that was really, that was a terrible, it was a real, I was scared. I was like, I got 27 sites and like, I’m like all these, like I got one client news and that was it. Nobody else knew, but I got, it was really bad.
[00:25:35] Speaker B: They’re gonna hate me.
[00:25:37] Speaker C: So if you’re listening, just understand that sometimes. I’m up really late now. Not anymore. Perfectly good.
[00:25:44] Speaker B: But you got that figured out now.
[00:25:46] Speaker C: But that was, that was year, like one and a half there and it was, it wasn’t a good time.
[00:25:51] Speaker B: Yeah, there, there. I think we all have a story that, where that terrified us at some point in time and thank goodness we grew past it.
[00:25:58] Speaker C: Yes.
[00:25:59] Speaker B: Well the flip side of course is what’s your proudest WordPress moment?
[00:26:04] Speaker C: Proudest WordPress moment is probably what I just, like what led like after that disaster was when me and Vaughn, we figured out how to containerize all of our client sites using Docker.
That’s what really allowed us to start to really add on new developers. And it didn’t matter which type of laptop or environment they were in, as long as they had docker. They could pull down our repos, run the commands that we created, and then automatically WordPress sites would just be spun up in containers. And if you wanted to check out another client site, you just down that container, check out the next one, spin it up, push your changes up to GitHub and then you’re good to go. And I really think that like, figuring out how to containerize WordPress in that manner really was like, it was like, I just remember, we just felt so good. We were like, wow, we feel, we feel secure, we feel great, we feel like we feel scalable and it feels maintainable now because we were able to house this technology and this workflow that we created in one single, solitary GitHub repo that like if we ever need to push updates to it automatically opens up prs for all of our clients that use that technology. And having that is just, it’s, it’s awesome. And I think that’s definitely my proudest moment. I know it’s von’s proudest moment and Yodev as a whole, like we, we, I think some of the new team members probably don’t appreciate the workflow that we have as much as me and von do, but that is a proud moment like containerizing WordPress and become, making it more scalable and maintainable.
[00:27:41] Speaker B: I love that. Especially when you can take, when your proudest moment reflects off of your biggest mistake. That’s. Yes, that’s pretty awesome. It’s like two ends of the same spectrum. Right. And that’s pretty awesome. Yeah. Well, congratulations on working through it and turning it into something awesome.
[00:27:57] Speaker C: Thank you.
[00:27:58] Speaker B: If you weren’t working in web and tech, web, tech, what’s another career that you might like to attempt?
[00:28:06] Speaker C: So I already did sales. I enjoy sales, so I’m not going to say sales.
If I had to attempt another career, it would definitely be something with music. So I see you have guitars back there.
[00:28:19] Speaker B: I do.
[00:28:21] Speaker C: I used to. Back in the day, I played saxophone all through school, and then I got to junior year of high school, and I was all about being a rock star then because I saw battle the bands, and one of my friends were up there. I was like, oh, this is. I didn’t even know he was in a band.
[00:28:37] Speaker B: I want to do that.
[00:28:39] Speaker C: And then I just started a band with a bunch of friends. And before. Before I knew it, I was doing that, like, from 17 on to 2021, we were touring around and, you know, all around Philly, South Jersey, Delaware, and we just couldn’t get the band right. That’s the big thing when you’re. When you’re trying to be in the band. In the band. I think now I would probably pursue, like, something, like an instructor of some kind of. I pursued guitar tutorial videos on YouTube, and a couple of them hit with a couple thousand views. But back then, I didn’t really care that much about content and that sort of thing. So, like, I never did it consistently. So that’s probably something I would. I would do when. I probably will do when I have the free time to pursue that.
[00:29:25] Speaker B: So my next question, though, is I see that those guitars are hanging behind a door. Is there a doorstop so that you don’t just open that door too wide?
[00:29:33] Speaker C: There is.
[00:29:33] Speaker B: Smack into them. Okay, good.
[00:29:34] Speaker C: There is. There is.
[00:29:36] Speaker B: I could just see a kid. Like a kid coming.
[00:29:38] Speaker C: Oh, yeah.
[00:29:38] Speaker B: Like, bing bang. Yeah, exactly.
There’s a doors. That’s a good thing. That’s a good thing.
What’s something on your bucket list?
[00:29:49] Speaker C: Bucket list is to go to New Zealand. I want to. I want to walk through Hobbiton.
[00:29:55] Speaker B: Oh, very cool.
[00:29:56] Speaker C: Yeah. Lord of the Rings. I’m a big lord of the Rings fan, and something that my wife and I really want to do, you know, before we enter into the next realm of life and our afterlife is definitely to see New Zealand because it’s beautiful. And then also go through that Hobbiton, you know, Lord of the Rings tour, and maybe go see the Weta workshop where all the modeling and the costumes and all that stuff was built.
[00:30:24] Speaker B: Yeah. Very cool.
Don’t be disappointed in me, but I have not watched the movies. But I’ve seen clips. I’ve seen clips. It’s a lot of time to invest in those books.
[00:30:33] Speaker C: You have to invest a lot of time.
[00:30:35] Speaker B: You should show us or tell us about a hidden talent that you have that people might not be aware of.
[00:30:42] Speaker C: Hidden talent that I have.
I can do the. I think I can still do this.
Didn’t you have people to do that?
[00:30:54] Speaker B: But I didn’t hear anything.
[00:30:55] Speaker C: Oh, you can’t hear it?
[00:30:57] Speaker B: No.
[00:30:58] Speaker C: Now you can’t hear it.
[00:30:59] Speaker B: It doesn’t come through.
[00:31:01] Speaker C: It’s like a bird call.
[00:31:02] Speaker B: I’ll take your word for it. I’ll take your word for it.
[00:31:04] Speaker C: It’s a bird call. Yeah. That’s all I can do. That’s my only hidden talent. All my other talents are very.
I’m open about my talents.
[00:31:15] Speaker B: I thought you were gonna like, make a fart noise with your hands, and.
[00:31:17] Speaker C: I was gonna be like, yeah, no, it’s a bird call.
[00:31:24] Speaker B: A bird calls much, much better. I was like, oh, man, what’s he about to do?
[00:31:30] Speaker C: Yeah, you have to put a disclaimer on for your next guest.
[00:31:34] Speaker B: There you go.
Oh, my goodness. That’s great. Well, how do people find you online? Or do they, how can they get in touch with you if they have questions?
[00:31:43] Speaker C: You can get in touch with me on LinkedIn.
If you search Andrew Hewitt, you’ll probably find me. If you search Andrew Hewitt, web developer, I know you’ll find me. You could also just search yoh d e v yodev on google will come up everywhere. And I do have a YouTube channel and that’s Yodev as well.
And I go over a lot of chat GPT content recently, but web development stuff. My business coach is urging me to start talking more about processes and how I’m doing things. So if you’re interested in the DevOps processes and how I’m running a web development shop, things like that, that sort of content will be coming out shortly. YouTube and LinkedIn is really the best place to find me.
[00:32:28] Speaker B: Awesome. And we’ll have the links, those links and a link to your website and everything in the show notes. So if you’re listening and you didn’t have an opportunity to write that down, just go to, look for Andrew’s episode. And that plus the transcript of today’s episode will be in the show notes. So anything that I didn’t ask you that you would wish that we could talked about today.
[00:32:51] Speaker C: Not really.
[00:32:52] Speaker B: I am so good at my job.
[00:32:54] Speaker C: You are so good at it.
I’m really excited to go to a word camp. I really want to go.
So can you briefly, this might be an offline chat, but Virginia, is that the only area or is there Washington DC or are there other areas that word camps happen.
[00:33:18] Speaker B: Happen everywhere? So there are a lot of regional ones and cities. Like, I ran Wordcamp Rochester this year. I was lead organizer word Camp buffalo. So those are the ones that I think they have had them in New York City in the past. This year I was. I went to Phoenix for Wordcamp Phoenix and Montclair, New Jersey.
Also I went to Bangkok and I went to.
[00:33:38] Speaker C: Oh, wow. Okay, so they are everywhere.
[00:33:40] Speaker B: Yep. They are literally all over the world. If you go to word and click the schedule there, you’ll be able to see all of the wordcamps as they are approved and begun work on them. And there’s already quite a few scheduled for next year. So I hope that. I hope we run our paths cross and I don’t know where Wordcamp us is going to be next year. It hasn’t been announced yet, so we’ll have to wait and see.
[00:34:01] Speaker C: And you will definitely be at us at the US one. So we’ll connect for sure. I’ll go to the next one. Yeah, I’ll be at the next one.
[00:34:09] Speaker B: Sounds good. I, you know, what do they say? Good lord willing and the creek don’t rise. You ever heard that?
[00:34:15] Speaker C: Yeah, I’ve heard it.
[00:34:16] Speaker B: I’ll be there.
[00:34:17] Speaker C: Awesome. Awesome, Michelle, fantastic.
[00:34:19] Speaker B: Well, thank you so much for taking some time out of your evening to tell your story with me. It’s been great to get you to know you a little bit better. And so nice to have you here.
[00:34:28] Speaker C: Thanks so much, Michelle. I appreciate you having me on the show. I had a great time.
[00:34:32] Speaker B: My pleasure. And for everybody else, we’ll see you on the next episode of WP Coffee Talk.
[00:34:38] Speaker A: We hope you enjoyed this episode of WPCoffeeTalk. Please share it with others who you know would enjoy hearing from the people who make the WordPress community the wonderful place that it is. If you are interested in joining us as a guest or a sponsor, please visit our site at