All privileges are in effect for one year (12 months) as of the date of sponsorship receipt.
$500 Macchiato Level
--Persistent Linked Logo on Sponsors Page
--Persistent Linked Logo in Footer
$1000 Cappuccino Level
--Persistent Linked Logo on Sponsors Page
--Persistent Linked Logo in Footer
--Short company write-up on Sponsors Page
--Will use your mug occasionally on the show (if you send one)
$2500 Espresso Level
--Persistent Linked Logo on Sponsors Page
--Persistent Linked Logo in Footer
--Showcased company write-up on Sponsors Page
--Sponsorship mention in intro on each episode released within your year of sponsorship
--Will use your mug occasionally on the show (if you send one)
Tip the Barista
Help support this podcast with a tip to our “Barista” (podcast host, Michelle).