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WPCoffeeTalk: Roy Sivan
Roy Sivan is a family man, software engineer, and believer in the WordPress Community. His proudest accomplishment in WordPress is trolling Ben Meredith through istodaybensbirthday.club. Hi Roy!

WPCoffeeTalk: David Wolfpaw
David Wolfpaw knows WordPress, serves his customers well, and still finds time to advocate for diversity in the WordPress community, and representation for everyone. He’s kind of my hero.

WPCoffeeTalk: Chandler Weiner
Meet Chandler Weiner, the owner of ObsessiveWP. He calls the WordPress community “incredibly generous, open, and kind” and that’s exactly how I’d describe Chandler.

WPCoffeeTalk: Brent Kobayashi
I first met Brent at WordCamp Toronto a million years ago. He continues to be a leader, an innovator, a great guy, and still a little crazy.

WPCoffeeTalk: Amy Masson
It was fun to turn the tables on Amy, one of the hosts of the WomenInWP podcast, and interview her. She’s a fun, dedicated agency owner, proud WordPress community member, and a really amazing person.