We have the best guests!
We publish new episodes every week!!

WPCoffeeTalk: Aida Correa
Aida Correa is a serial WordCamp volunteer and speaker. Her passion is helping others discover not only what WordPress can do for their businesses, but what the WordPress Community can do for them, too. And her artwork is amazing!

WPCoffeeTalk: Micah Wood
Micah Wood’s handle everywhere is @WPScholar, and it suits him well! A core contributor to WordPress and a developer at Bluehost, Micah is not only a scholar, but a great guy with a great sense of humor, too! I know you’ll enjoy meeting him here on WPCoffeeTalk as much as I did!

WPCoffeeTalk: Bob Dunn
BobWP is a WordPress podcasting icon and a true enthusiast. Through his episodes he and his guests share great information and help countless WordPress users with their businesses. It was an honor and a blast to have him on WPCoffeeTalk with me!

WPCoffeeTalk: Christie Witt
Christie Witt is an integral part of the WordPress community in Ottawa, Canada. A true community builder, Christie has taken it to the next level by offering WordPress classes through WPProgression and focusing on the annual WordCamps in Ottawa. Enjoy this fun convo with her!

WPCoffeeTalk: Michelle Schulp
Michelle is amazing at what she does. An inspired artist and designer, Michelle creates for her customers bespoke designs and sites that not only meet their needs, but do it with style and grace. She also happens to be a generous WordCamp speaker and WordPress community member.