We have the best guests!
We publish new episodes every week!!

WPCoffeeTalk: Allison Smith
Allison is a content maven, skillfully creating stories to connect your site to your customers. She also uses her expertise to advance the WordPress community in the Niagara Falls area of Canada. She’s a gifted community builder. I know you’ll enjoy meeting her!

WPCoffeeTalk: Machielle Thomas
Machielle Thomas represents one of the best aspects of Bluehost – the people. She’s intelligent, fun, caring, and community-minded. As a matter of fact, she represents the best aspect of the WordPress community – people helping people. If you have the good fortune to meet Machielle at a WordCamp, you have been fortunate, indeed!

WPCoffeeTalk: Taylor Waldon
Taylor Waldon is a gifted content marketer. Besides her work at Impress.org, she runs writing courses, is a poet, a ghost writer, and a fierce warrior for people with disabilities.

WPCoffeeTalk: Sam Smith
Sam Smith is one of the kindest, gentlest, funniest firefighter turned web developers I know. (He’s also the only one.) I also get to work with him at GiveWP (you can all be jealous). It’s always fun to talk to him, and this episode is proof of that.

WPCoffeeTalk: Michelle Frechette
In this episode Chrissie Pollock turns the tables and interviews ME! I’m excited to be your podcast barista at WPCoffeeTalk. This is my heart’s work and my love letter to the WordPress Community. Facilitating the stories of amazing people in WordPress is my honor and my pleasure, and I’m eternally grateful for my amazing guests!