We have the best guests!
We publish new episodes every week!!

WPCoffeeTalk: Shanta Nathwani
Shanta Nathwani is multi-faceted: WordPress champion, developer, designer, instructor, and holds a 3rd degree black belt in 3 different martial arts. She is also a fellow Wonder Woman fan and is my connection to Coffee Crisp, Kinder Eggs, and butter tarts!

WPCoffeeTalk: David Bisset
David Bisset is well ingrained in the WordPress community. He’s a WordCamp organizer, blogger, WordCamp/Meetup speaker, developer, and jokester. He’s THE armchair WordCamper, diligent about sharing WordCamps and speakers around the world.

WPCoffeeTalk: Matt Cromwell
Matt Cromwell wears many hats in the WordPress World: Partner at Impress.org, Admin of the Advanced WordPress Group and website, WordCamp speaker, community advocate, and frequent contributor and guest to so many groups, sites, and podcasts. Truly a WordPress gem!

WPCoffeeTalk: Emily Hunkler
Emily Hunkler is the Marketing Coordinator for GoWP. Her WordPress and personal lives have been intertwined back as far as her travels through Spain and up to her amazing marketing with GoWP. Our conversation was so much fun!

WPCoffeeTalk: Terri Tutich
Terri Tutich is the driving force that keeps the Pittsburgh WordPress Community organized and moving forward. Her passion is teaching and empowering others to use WordPress for their small businesses and personal projects.