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WPCoffeeTalk: Chris Wiegman
Chris Wiegman came to WordPress from an industry most would never guess in an unconventional way and now works for one of the industry’s giants. He’s a frequent WordCamp speaker, plugin developer, and all-around great guy. I’m blessed to known him, and it’s my pleasure to introduce you to him here.

WPCoffeeTalk: Róbert Mészáros
Róbert Mészáros is a tech guru who quietly shares his skills and products with the tech community. A brilliant developer, his work is both interesting and innovative.

WPCoffeeTalk: Joe Howard
Joe Howard’s enthusiasm for the WordPress community is infectious. Through WP Buffs, WPMRR, and his podcast and printable resources (not to mention the great talks he’s given at WordCamps), Joe helps his customers and everyone he can as well!

WPCoffeeTalk: Mary Job
Mary Job is a WordPress powerhouse! A true community leader and champion, Mary advocates for others, works diligently for her customers, and contributes globally to WordPress.

WPCoffeeTalk: Heather Gray
Heather Gray is a freelance web developer and designer in Ontario, Canada, who makes it look easy! A WordCamp speaker and artisan, Heather contributes to her community in many ways, including at meetups. I’m sure you’ll enjoy meeting her as much as I did!